Nov 14, 2010 | Podcast, Sermons
37 The Book of Jude (Jude1_17-23) [audio:|titles=37 The Book of Jude (Jude1_17-23)] Discernment in a Day of Doctrinal Danger “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all...
Oct 31, 2010 | Podcast, Sermons
[audio:|titles=35 The Book of Jude (Jude1_12-16)] 35 The Book of Jude (Jude1_12-16) The Book of JUDE Discernment in a Day of Doctrinal Danger “Contend earnestly for the faith which...
Oct 17, 2010 | Podcast, Sermons
[audio:|titles=34 The Book of Jude (Jude 1_8-11)] Audio: 34 The Book of Jude (Jude 1_8-11) The Book of JUDE – Discernment in a Day of Doctrinal Danger “Contend earnestly for...
Sep 19, 2010 | Podcast, Sermons
The VISION of Our Church “I always remind leaders that vision leaks… Effective leaders are always monitoring vision leakage.” Bill Hybels L oving One Another (Jn. 13:34-35) One of the primary characteristics of the End Times will be spiritual ____________________. ...