“Living in Light of the LAST DAYS” Matthew 24:1-3

“The coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah…” Jesus  (Mt. 24:37)

I.  The PROMISE of His Coming (2 Pet. 3:1-9)

FYI – The Bible is the _______ reliable & true source of information about the End of the World. There are over ______ distinct, O.T. prophecies that are literally fulfilled in Jesus Christ!!! Even though this is true, in the Last Days __________ will come who doubt God’s Word & “make fun of” Christ’s Return!      cf.  2 Pet. 3:1-7 Ironically, the reality of these people actually _______ the fact of Jesus is coming to bring Judgment! The Church needs a ____________ Word again today!

cf.  Lk. 17:22-27; Mt. 24:37-39; 2 Pet. 2:5

II.  The PREDICTION of the King (Matt. 24:1-3)

Matthew 24-25 is the largest & most significant __________ portion of the N.T. (besides Revelation). It is unique in that it is the 2nd-longest sermon of Christ in the Gospels & is a ________ message to His disciples in Jerusalem on the Mt. of Olives. (Mt. 24:3; Mk. 13:3) To properly interpret this Olivet Discourse, it is crucial to consider the immediate _________.  (Matt. 21-23) Jesus’ entire sermon is an extended answer to a question from His disciples concerning His “__________.” “Parousia” is used 24 times in the N.T., ___ of which occur in Matthew 24.  cf.  Matt. 24:3, 27, 37, 39 “The End of the Age” refers to the ____________ and final culmination of this world.  (used 6X in N.T.) NOTE – History is moving toward a grand & glorious __________!    cf.  Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 19

Practical Application:

  1. Know – Don’t be Ignorant  (2 Pet. 3:17)
  2. Grow – Don’t be Unteachable  (2 Pet. 3:18)
  3. Sow –  Don’t be Oblivious  (Mt. 24:14; 28:18-20)

Appointments with God

“The TIME is SHORT!”

Monday, June 13th

Meditate upon the 7 WOES that Jesus pronounces upon the Scribes & Pharisees preceding Matt. 24

  • Matthew 23:13-14

Think about why Jesus pronounced this judgment & pray a prayer of confession to God regarding yourself.

Tuesday, June 14th

Meditate upon the 7 WOES that Jesus pronounces upon the Scribes & Pharisees preceding Matt. 24

  • Matthew 23:15

Think about why Jesus pronounced this judgment & pray a prayer of confession to God regarding yourself.

Wednesday, June 15th

Meditate upon the 7 WOES that Jesus pronounces upon the Scribes & Pharisees preceding Matt. 24

  • Matthew 23:16-22

Think about why Jesus pronounced this judgment & pray a prayer of confession to God regarding yourself.

Thursday, June 16th

Meditate upon the 7 WOES that Jesus pronounces upon the Scribes & Pharisees preceding Matt. 24

  • Matthew 23:23-24

Think about why Jesus pronounced this judgment & pray a prayer of confession to God regarding yourself.

Friday, June 17th

Meditate upon the 7 WOES that Jesus pronounces upon the Scribes & Pharisees preceding Matt. 24

  • Matthew 23:25-26

Think about why Jesus pronounced this judgment & pray a prayer of confession to God regarding yourself.

Saturday/Sunday, June 18-19

Meditate upon the 7 WOES that Jesus pronounces upon the Scribes & Pharisees preceding Matt. 24

  • Matthew 23:27-36

Think about why Jesus pronounced this judgment & pray a prayer of confession to God regarding yourself.

[audio:|titles=23 The Time Is Short (Matt 24_1-3)]

23 The Time Is Short (Matt 24_1-3)