The POWER of the Resurrection

   “Are You Still Amazed by the Power?”

Philippians 3:7-11

“I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value  of knowing Christ Jesus… & the power of His resurrection.”  The Apostle Paul

I.  The REASONS for Amazement  (Mark 1-16)

Mark’s Gospel highlights the reactions of ___________

& fear to the revelation of Jesus Christ!  i.e.  “amazed”

1.  His Powerful Teaching (1:21-22)

2.  His Power over Evil Spirits  (1:26-27)

3.  His Power to Heal   (2:12)

4.  His Power over Nature   (6:51-52)

5.  The Power of His Presence  (9:14-15; 10:32)

6.  The Power of His Resurrection   (16:5, 8)

“The ending of Mark is thoroughly consistent with the

motifs  of astonishment & fear developed throughout

        the Gospel…”                             William Lane

The account of the empty tomb is ______-_________!

II. The RESISTANCE to Amazement

Many people _________ to experience (“know”) the power

of Christ’s Resurrection, but for some reason, in reality

they do not!        cf.  Phil. 3:7-11

1.  Drained – physical fatigue –  1 Kgs. 19:3-4

2.  Dried Out – spiritual drought  –  1 Pet. 2:2; Eph. 3:16

Believers must have a strong, consuming ________ for

God’s Word.     i.e.  “like newborn babies…”

3.  Deceived – by our own ______ or by Satan

cf.  Heb. 3:12-13; Mt. 13:22; 2 Cor. 11:13-14; Rev. 12:9

4.  Despairing – the result of persecution or affliction

cf.  2 Cor. 1:8-9; Mk. 4:17   i.e.  “despair” = no way out

5.  Doubt – even Jesus’ __________ doubted

cf. Mk. 16:11-13; Mt. 28:16-17; Jn. 20:24-29; Js. 1:5-8

6.  Dead – many think they are spiritually alive, but are

really dead        cf.  Rev. 3:1; Eph. 2:1-3


Practical Application: We gotta have the Power to be…

  1. Saved – Eph. 2:4-6
  2. Sanctified – Eph. 1:18-20
  3. Secured – 1 Pet. 1:3-5

             Appointments with God

            The HEART of a SERVANT

                  Mark 1:29-45                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Monday, March 19th                                               

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 1:32-35

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Tuesday, March 20th                                                                                           

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:30-32

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Wednesday, March 21st                                            

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:45-46

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Thursday, March 22nd                                         

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 14:32-42

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Friday, March 23rd                                           

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 5:15-16

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Saturday/Sunday, March 24-25

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 6:12-13; 9:18

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

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14-2012-The Power of the Resurrection (Phil 3_7-11)