The Mission of the Master

   “What It Means to Follow the Master”

“For the Son of Man has come to seek & to save that which was lost.” Jesus     Lk. 19:10

I.  The Lord’s COMMISSION   (Mt. 28:18-20)

Jesus has __________, sovereign authority over all

things.  cf. Mt. 11:27; Jn. 3:35; Eph. 1:20-23; Phil. 2:9-11

The essence of Jesus’ Great Commission to His followers

is to “make disciples of all the ________.”

cf.  Mt. 28:19; Mk. 16:15; Lk. 24:45-47; Acts 1:8

Clearly, God’s desire is for “the whole world” to hear the

Gospel & for His Kingdom to include believers from

“every tribe, _______, people & nation.”  cf. Mt. 24:15

cf,  Acts 1:8; Rom. 10:11-21; Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9-10

The Turning Point in the Book of Acts was in Chps. 8-12

as the Church _________ the gulf for the Gospel to

spread to the Gentile world.   cf. Acts 9:31; 10:34-35

II.  The Church’s CONVICTION   (Acts 6:1-4)

The Church of Jesus Christ was born out of a _______-

__________ environment and a _________ meeting.

cf.  Acts 1:14; 2:5 – “from every nation under heaven”

The Early Church was committed to teaching the ______

of God and to Praying for the spread of the Gospel.

cf.  Acts 2:42; 4:31; 6:4; 12:5, 12; 13:1-3; 14:23

God answered their prayers as the Word of God grew and

________ rapidly!

cf.  Acts 2:47; 4:4; 6:7; 9:31; 12:24; 19:20

Practical Application:

  1. Speak Boldly – Acts 4:29-31; Eph. 6:18-20
  2. Pray Fervently – Col. 4:2-6

Appointments with God

            The HEART of a SERVANT

                  Mark 1:29-45

Monday, March 19th                                               

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 1:32-35

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Tuesday, March 20th                                                                                           

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:30-32

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Wednesday, March 21st                                            

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:45-46

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Thursday, March 22nd                                         

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 14:32-42

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Friday, March 23rd                                           

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 5:15-16

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Saturday/Sunday, March 24-25

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 6:12-13; 9:18

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!


34-2012-The Mission of the Master (Mt 28_18-20 _ Act 6_1-4)