“If This was the Last Sermon I Preached”
“I preached as never sure to preach again and as a dying man to dying men.” Richard Baxter, English Puritan
I. The COMMAND to “Make Disciples” (Matt. 28)
The words “going…baptizing and teaching” are all words that modify the ___________ to “Make Disciples.” (28:18-20) NOTE – We are to teach people to _________ all that Jesus has commanded us. i.e. Changed Lives
Discipleship is the developmental process of the local church by which believers in Jesus Christ _______ from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity, so that they, in turn, can ____________ the process in others!
Jesus Pattern of Discipleship shows a ___________-driven process that takes time! cf. Mark 3:13-14; 4:10 The phrase “of all the Nations” means that the Church does not exist for the Church but for the __________!
“He (Jesus) conceived a strategy that would not fail… at first glance it might even appear that Jesus had no strategy.” Robert Coleman
II. The CONTINUUM to “Equip” (Eph. 4)
New Birth Adulthood
Spiritual Infancy Spiritual Maturity
Babes in Christ Fullness of Christ
The “___________ of the Saints” is another way to describe the Disciple-making process. cf. Eph. 4:12 NOTE – The Ultimate Goal of Discipleship or Equipping is _________ and _____________! cf. Eph. 4:11-14
“Methods are many, principles are few; Methods always change, principles never do.” Warren Wiersbe
Practical Application:
G et to know & love ______ better
R ealize the importance of the local ________
O pen your eyes & heart to the _________ around you
W ith your unique design, begin building __________
Appointments with God
Monday, February 21st
Meditate upon the Great Commandments of Jesus:
- Matthew 22:34-40
Notice that the Whole Law & the Prophets depend on our Loving God and Loving Others. Could you say that your love for God & Others is increasing or decreasing? Ask God to give you greater love!
Tuesday, February 22nd
Meditate upon the Great Commission of Jesus:
- Matthew 28:18-20
Think about the fact that Jesus has “all authority in heaven & on earth” today. Spend some time in prayer by submitting to Him as Lord over all areas of your life!
Wednesday, February 23rd
Meditate upon the Great Commission of Jesus:
- Matthew 28:18-20
Notice the words “Go…baptizing & teaching.” Think about what each word has to do with “making disciples.” Which word is most convicting to your heart? Focus on that word in prayer.
Thursday, February 24th
Meditate upon the Great Commission of Jesus:
- Matthew 28:18-20
The main command of Jesus here is to “make disciples.” How are you fulfilling or not fulfilling this command in your life right now? Talk to God about it.
Friday, February 25th
Meditate upon the Great Commission of Jesus:
- Matthew 28:18-20
Spend time meditating on the phrase “of all the Nations.” Think about what Jesus really meant by this. Pray for our outreach to other people groups & nations both here in our city & abroad.
Saturday/Sunday, Feb. 26-27
Meditate upon the Great Commission of Jesus:
- Matthew 28:18-20
Don’t miss the phrase, “and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Why is God’s presence in our lives so important? Spend time thanking God for His constant presence & power in your life!
[audio:http://www.marshalltownefc.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/08-The-Mission-of-the-Church-Matt.-28-Eph-4.mp3|titles=08 The Mission of the Church (Matt. 28, Eph 4)]08 The Mission of the Church (Matt. 28, Eph 4)
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