The Heart of a Servant

   “What It Means to Follow the Master”

Mark 9:14-29

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”   Mk. 10:45

I.  What Will It Take?    (9:14-29)

Peter, James & John just witnessed the Transfiguration

but the other 9 disciples were facing a huge spiritual

____________! (vv. 14-18)   i.e.  “hills & valleys”

The challenge was that they _________ to cast out an

unclean spirit from a demon-possessed boy. (vv. 17-18)

Satan, our ___________, is determined to destroy and

oppose anything of God’s! (vv. 18,20,22)  cf. 1 Pet. 5:8

Jesus rebuked the disciples & crowd for their ________

& the boy’s father pleaded for mercy & help! (vv. 19-22)

In verse 23, Jesus makes a powerful claim that “all things

are __________ to him who believes!”

Jesus then rebuked the unclean spirit & ___________

it to come out! (v. 25)  i.e. “and do not enter him again”

The boy was healed & the disciples were perplexed &

Jesus gave the _________!    _________ (Mt. 17:21)

II.  How Was It Done?    (Ezra/Nehemiah)

Ezra and Nehemiah also faced a physical and spiritual

challenge after God’s people were exiled in _________.

Zerubbabel led the rebuilding of the temple; Ezra led the

__________ of the people & Nehemiah led the rebuild-

ing of the walls of Jerusalem. cf. Ezra 5:1-2; 7:6; Neh. 1

All 3 leaders experienced constant ____________ to the

work God had called them to do! cf. Ezra 4, 9; Neh. 2, 4

Ezra, the scribe, diligently “set his heart” to study, _____

& _______ God’s Word to the people. cf. Ezra 7:10; 9:4

Both Ezra & Nehemiah obediently practiced ________ &

________ as their 1st & primary response to spiritual

attack.  cf.  Ezra 8:21-23; 9:5; 10:1; Neh. 1:4; 2:4; 4:4-5

A significant part of the spiritual ________ in Ezra’s day

was a commitment to obey God’s Word, prayer & fasting.

Practical Application:

  1. Confession of Sin – Ezra 9; 10:10-13; Neh. 9; Mk. 9:24
  2. Obedience to the Word – Ezra 7:10; 9:4; 10:7-8
  3. Prayer & Fasting – Ezra 8:21-23; Mk. 9:29; Mt. 17:21

Appointments with God

            The HEART of a SERVANT

                  Mark 1:29-45

Monday, March 19th                                               

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 1:32-35

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Tuesday, March 20th                                                                                           

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:30-32

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Wednesday, March 21st                                            

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:45-46

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Thursday, March 22nd                                         

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 14:32-42

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Friday, March 23rd                                           

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 5:15-16

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Saturday/Sunday, March 24-25

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 6:12-13; 9:18

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!


31-2010-The Heart of a Servant (Mark 9_14-29)