“What It Means to Follow the Master”

Mark 4:35-41

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”   Mk. 10:45

I.  “Look on the FIELDS!”   (Jn. 4:35-41)

God’s desire is to reach _____ ________ with the Gospel.

cf.  Mt. 28:19; Jn. 4:4, 39; Acts 1:8

Jesus’ reference to “4 months” until the Harvest points to

the ___________ of reaching the Lost. (v. 35)

The fact that the fields are “white for harvest” could be

referring to all the ___________ walking toward them.

Because Jesus knows the hearts of all men, He sovereignly

knew how spiritually _______ the people were for the

Gospel.   cf. Jn. 2:24-25; Acts 13:42-44, 48-49; 18:5-11

The principle of Sowing & Reaping is throughout the N.T.

to remind us that God generously ________ obedience

to sow the Word!  cf. Mk. 4:24-25; 1 Cor. 3:6-8; 2 Cor. 9

NOTE – Remember our responsibility is to “sow” the Gospel

“seed” & it supernaturally produces crops “___ ______.”

cf.  Mk. 4:26-29       “automate” – Acts 12:10

Bearing Witness to the Person & Work of Jesus Christ by

power of the Holy Spirit is supposed to be easy, though

we are often paralyzed by _______!   cf. Jn. 4:37-42

II.  “Don’t Be Afraid!”    (Mk. 4:35-41)

After sending the crowd away, Jesus ___________ got

into the boat with His disciples.  cf. Mt. 8:23; Lk. 8:22

Sudden, violent windstorms were common on the Sea of

Galilee producing __________-like winds. (v. 37)

NOTE – Jesus was ________ & the disciples were in

extreme danger & panic! (vv. 37-38) cf. Lk. 8:23

Matthew records that Jesus woke up, asked His disciples

a _________, then rebuked the wind & the sea!

Jesus questioned them as to why they were afraid and

why they had no _______!  i.e. Where is your faith?

The disciples, even after more than 2 years with Jesus,

were _________ as to His person & power! (v. 41)

Practical Application

  1. Our Fears – Mk. 4:40
  2. Our Faith – Mk. 4:40




             Appointments with God

            The HEART of a SERVANT

                  Mark 1:29-45                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Monday, March 19th                                               

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 1:32-35

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Tuesday, March 20th                                                                                           

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:30-32

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Wednesday, March 21st                                            

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:45-46

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Thursday, March 22nd                                         

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 14:32-42

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Friday, March 23rd                                           

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 5:15-16

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Saturday/Sunday, March 24-25

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 6:12-13; 9:18

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

[audio:|titles=18-2012-The Heart of a Servant (John 4_34-41 and Mark 4_35-41)]

18-2012-The Heart of a Servant (John 4_34-41 and Mark 4_35-41)