Experiencing the Therapy of Giving Thanks

“In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thess. 5:18

I.  The POWER to Give Thanks   (Eph. 5:18)

The ____________ of the Spirit is connected to the command to “in everything give thanks.”  cf. 1 Th. 5:18-19 “Always giving thanks in all things” is a ___________ of being “filled with” the Holy Spirit.    cf.  Eph. 5:18 The verb to “be filled” is a present, __________ command meaning continual action which we must allow to happen. i.e.  “be being kept filled” NOTE – Being filled with the Spirit is contrasted with being _________ with wine!   Key:  ____________ The words “always” and “for all things” (v. 20) obviously refer to a way of life or ___________ of gratitude.

“We are very leaky vessels.  We need to keep under the fountain all the time; then we will be kept full.” -D.L. Moody

In Colossians 3:16-17, we observe that being filled with the _______ produces the same results as being filled with the Spirit.   i.e.  “richly dwell… giving thanks”

II.  The PURPOSE of Giving Thanks  (Eph. 5:20)

The phrase, “in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to God” refers to that which is consistent with Who He is and What He does—for His __________!   cf.  Rom. 8:28 In 2 Corinthians 4:15, Paul shares the ___________ of his entire ministry.  i.e.  grace spreading…glory to God The “all things” (2 Cor. 4:15) refers to all the things he was ___________ with in ministry.  (4:7-12) Notice the words “for your sakes” which reveal Paul’s desire to ________ his life for Christ & the Gospel. That Purpose to give glory to God through the spreading of the Gospel keeps us from _________ ________. cf.  2 Cor. 4:15-16

Practical Application:

  1. The Dry Bones – Ezek. 37:1-14
  2. The Word – Col. 3:16
  3. The Gospel – 2 Cor. 4:15

Appointments with God

“The Gift of Gratitude”

1 Thess. 5:18

Monday, December 6th

Meditate upon a Psalm of Thanksgiving:

  • Psalm 100

We would do well to allow God’s Word to soften our hardened, ungrateful heart.  Just spend time today praising God using this Psalm.

Tuesday, December 7th

Meditate upon a Psalm of Thanksgiving:

  • Psalm 100

We would do well to allow God’s Word to soften our hardened, ungrateful heart.  Just spend time today praising God using this Psalm.

Wednesday, December 8th

Meditate upon a Psalm of Thanksgiving:

  • Psalm 100

We would do well to allow God’s Word to soften our hardened, ungrateful heart.  Just spend time today praising God using this Psalm.

Thursday, December 9th

Meditate upon a Psalm of Thanksgiving:

  • Psalm 100

We would do well to allow God’s Word to soften our hardened, ungrateful heart.  Just spend time today praising God using this Psalm.

Friday, December 10th

Meditate upon a Psalm of Thanksgiving:

  • Psalm 100

We would do well to allow God’s Word to soften our hardened, ungrateful heart.  Just spend time today praising God using this Psalm.

Saturday/Sunday, Dec. 11-12

Meditate upon a Psalm of Thanksgiving:

  • Psalm 100

We would do well to allow God’s Word to soften our hardened, ungrateful heart.  Just spend time today praising God using this Psalm.

[audio:|titles=40 The Gift of Gratitude (Eph 5_18-20)]

40 The Gift of Gratitude (Eph 5_18-20)