Pastor Bob’s Vision Report

“Reviewing God’s Great Faithfulness”

“Go therefore and Make Disciples of All the Nations…” Jesus    (Matt. 28:19)

I.  Highlights of 2011

One-Year-Bible Challenge – Thy Word ____________

cf.  Jn. 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17

Hire Pastor Brent as Assoc. Pastor of Children’s Min.

20 Year Anniversary Celebration

More Intentional Leadership Development – 2 Tim. 2:2

– Strong, mature leaders are __________ to the

future of a Christ-honoring church!

National Day of Prayer Task Force formed – Acts 6:4

– Revival & Reformation require _______ & the Word.

4th Annual All-Church Family Retreat – Acts 2:46-47

World Help Bibles for China Christmas Off. – $9,000

Honduras Mission Trip – Acts 1:8


II.  Priorities for 2012

Build on our Multi-Culturalism – Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9-10

– God’s Kingdom includes _______ language & people!

Make certain we are “Making Disciples of all Nations”

– “Making Disciples” is a ___________ of Jesus.

cf.  Matt. 28:18-20; Lk. 24:45-48; Acts 1:8

Do what we can to Strengthen Community Unity

– There is only _____ true Church!  cf.  Eph. 4:1-6

We must maximize Prayer Initiatives.   cf. Acts 6:4

I want us to be a Catalyst for Spiritual Refreshment!

i.e.  Spring Bible Conf. – Mar. 11-13  (Heb. 10:24-25)

               We need to begin our Building Expansion!

                   “If the Lord is pleased with us, then He will bring us

          into the land, & give it to us.”     Joshua (Num. 14:8)

We are going to Brainwash you for Missional Outreach!

– We will continue to “make disciples” until the

________ ________ hears!   cf.  Mt. 24:14


Practical Application

  1. Give Thanks to God – Ps. 111:1-2
  2. Get Down on our Knees – Num. 14:1-5
  3. Get Behind & Get Together – Heb. 13:7, 17

Appointments with God

Not Ashamed of the GOSPEL

Romans 1:14-17

Monday, January 30th                                               

 Meditate upon the Core Value of Biblical Community:

  • John 13:34-35

What characteristics do you think are most important

in the local church?  How important is Fellowship?

Spend time praying for God to give us a greater love

for one another in the Body of Christ.

Tuesday, January 31st                                           

Meditate upon the Core Value of Biblical Community:

  • Rom. 12:10; Eph. 4:1-3

What characteristics do you think are most important

in the local church?  How important is Fellowship?

Spend time praying for God to strengthen the unity

& like-mindedness in our church & among churches!

Wednesday, February 1st                                         

Meditate upon the Core Value of Biblical Community:

  • Heb. 10:23-25

What characteristics do you think are most important

in the local church?  How important is Fellowship?

Spend time praying about how God wants to use you

to encourage another believer this week!

  Thursday, February 2nd                                     

Meditate upon the Core Value of Biblical Mission:

  • Matthew 5:13-16

What characteristics do you think are most important

in the local church?  How important is Mission?

Spend time praying for God to give those in our

body more open doors for the Gospel.

Friday, February 3rd                                        

Meditate upon the Core Value of Biblical Mission:

  • Luke 24:45-48

What characteristics do you think are most important

in the local church?  How important is Mission?

Spend time praying for God to give those in our

body more open doors for the Gospel.

Saturday/Sunday, Feb. 4-5

     Meditate upon the Core Value of Biblical Mission:

  • Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8

What characteristics do you think are most important

in the local church?  How important is Mission?

Pray for God to give us a heart for All Nations!

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05-2012-Pastor Bob_s Vision Report