“Seeking Kingdom in a Sinking Culture”

M – The Master Issue – Whose money is it?

O – The Order Issue – What do I do with it?

N The Navigation Issue – Where do I start?

E – The Emancipation Issue – How I deal w/ debt?

  1. The BONDAGE of DEBT    (Proverbs 22:7)

“Stewardship is the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given ________.”

God owns it all!  (Ps. 24:1; Mt. 25:14)

____ of God’s people admit to being so far in debt that they see no way out!! Debt is not necessarily a sin, but it is a ___________ that ultimately leads to slavery.  (Prov. 22:7) The word “borrower” (Prov. 22:7) is a Hebrew word meaning to be twisted or _________________. The Bible always views debt as unnecessary and most times _________.   cf.  Deut. 28:15, 43-45

CONCLUSION:  God’s will is for us to be ________ and clear of all debt.    (Rom. 13:8)

The Real Dangers of DEBT:

1.  Presumes upon the Future

2.  Tempts us to Compromise

3.  Produces Worry & Stress

4.  Restricts our Freedom

5.  Works Against Us rather than For Us

6.  Easily leads to Addiction

7.  Denies God an Opportunity to Provide

“Keep out of debt and owe no man anything…” Romans 13:8 (Amplified Bible)

  1. The RESCUE of GOD    (Romans 10:13)

Practically:                          Spiritually:

1.  Stop the Debt                 1.  Pray for Help

2. Set a Goal                        2. Memorize the Word

3. Get a Plan                         3. Be Accountable

“Being in debt is never the real problem; it is only symptomatic of the real problem…”    Ron Blue

Practical Application:

  1. Cultivate Kingdom Contentment
  2. Trust the Kingdom Provider

Appointments with God


The Emancipation Issue

Monday, March 26th

Meditate upon the Bondage of Debt:

  • Proverbs 22:7

Ask God for grace & healing in the area of Your finances and to set you free from slavery to anything except Him!

Tuesday, March 27th

Meditate upon the Only Debt we Owe:

  • Romans 13:8

Ask God to show you your need to “love”

others and to see that we “owe” it

to God and our neighbor.

Wednesday, March 28th

Meditate upon the Curse of Debt:

  • Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 12, 15, 43-35

Thank God for His desire to bless us and then confess your sin of taking that for granted.  Thank Him for His blessings.

Thursday, March 29th

Meditate upon our Perspective of the Future:

  • James 4:13-15
  • Matthew 6:34

Ask God to give you an Eternal Perspective

on life and that it might radically

transform your financial outlook.

Friday, March 30th

Meditate upon the Dangers of Debt

  • Proverbs 22:26-27

Pray for God’s wisdom in your financial decisions today and this week!

Saturday/Sunday, Mar. 31/Apr. 1

Meditate upon the Deceitfulness of Riches

  • Matt. 13:22; Mk. 4:19; Lk. 8:14
  • Matthew 6:19-20, 33

What does Jesus mean that riches are “deceitful?”  Ask God for discernment to distinguish what things are most valuable in His eyes.

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14 Money Madness (Prov 22_7; Ps. 24_1; Mt 25_14)