The Blessing of a Broken Heart

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” Ps. 51:17

I.  LOOKING IN      (Psalm 51:6)

The convicted sinner feels _______ & desires forgiveness. The next step in repentance is to look inside & ________ the terrible thing that makes us capable of sin!

“I am afraid it is a very superficial evangelism which seems to stop at forgiveness…” D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

We are so use to looking at ourselves on the outside and ____________ ourselves to others!  i.e.  vs. inside look We must come face to face with God, then we realize the lies & ____________ in our hearts.   cf.  Jer. 17:9

NOTE – You cannot trust yourself!    cf.  Mk. 7:14-23

God knows our heart & the Word of God __________ the thoughts & intentions of our heart.  cf.  Heb. 4:12-13 Human knowledge & wisdom is NOT enough to _________ us and make us right with God!  cf.  Ps. 51:6b; Js. 1:5

II.  LOOKING UP      (Psalm 51:10)

The problem is NOT the dirty world around us but rather our need for a _________ heart within us!  (v. 10)

FYI – There is a difference between asking to be clean (v. 7), and asking for a clean __________! (v. 10)

David asks God to “_________” a clean heart within him. The word “create” (bara) is the same word used in Gen. 1 and refers only to _________ activity.  cf.  Gen. 1:27

“With the word ‘create,’ David asks for nothing less than a miracle.”             Derek Kidner

New Year’s Resolutions are totally defeating & futile unless God gives you a ___________ heart! Our need is for God, by His Spirit, to give us a ______ heart & life!     cf.  Ps. 51:10; Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 5:17

“I remember 2 things:  that I am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior!”  John Newton

Practical Application:

  1. Immorality; Sensuality –  Mk. 7:21-22
  2. Envy; Greed; Anger  –  Mk. 7:21-22
  3. Deceit; Pride  –  Mk. 7:22

Appointments with God

Psalm 51

Monday, January 24th

Meditate upon the Deceitfulness of Our Heart:

  • Jeremiah 17:9-10

We think that Satan is deceitful, but what about our own hearts???  Notice the words “more than all else.”  Ask God to search your heart today.

Tuesday, January 25th

Meditate upon our Need for God to Search Us:

  • Psalm 139:23-24

Spend time committing these verses to memory.  If our heart is so deceitful, how essential is it for God to search us?  Pray these verses back to God.

Wednesday, January 26th

Meditate upon the Sinfulness of Our Hearts:

  • Mark 7:14-23

People put so much emphasis on their “outside” and we are so into “image management.”  Notice what Jesus says “defiles” a person.  Spend time looking inside and talk to God about what He shows you.

Thursday, January 27th

Meditate upon the Sinfulness of Our Hearts:

  • Mark 7:14-23

Notice all the evil things that Jesus says proceed out of our hearts.  Spend time in prayer bringing these things before God and ask Him to reveal them in your own heart.

Friday, January 28th

Meditate upon the Discernment of God’s Word:

  • Hebrews 4:12-13

Read the study notes from a study bible on these verses.  How important is God’s Word to our recognizing sin & maturing.  Thank God for it!

Saturday/Sunday, Jan. 29-30

Meditate upon our Need for a Clean Heart:

  • Psalm 24:3-4; 51:10

If it is so essential for us to have a clean, pure heart in order to come before God, spend time asking God to give you or create in you a clean heart! Pray for God to purify His Church in the World.

[audio:|titles=04 Consider Your Ways (Psalms 51_6,10)]

04 Consider Your Ways (Psalms 51_6,10)