The Blessing of a Broken Heart
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” Ps. 51:17
I. Restoring the JOY (Psalm 51:10-12)
This psalm details the _________ of sin & the necessary steps of repentance & brokeness. cf. Ps. 51:8b; 32:3-4 David ________ to experience the joy of the Lord again! cf. Ps. 51:8, 12, 14; Ps. 32:11 The word “restore” (v. 12) indicates that David had known this joy & had _______ it. cf. 2 Sam. 6:12-16; Ps. 16:11 Some Joy-Robbers are: 1) Legalism, 2) Undo Introspection and 3) __________________. cf. Heb. 12:12-17 One of the most significant results of true repentance is __________________ joy! cf. Ps. 51:12a; 1 Pet. 1:7-9
“The joy which he speaks is what is called ‘the joy of Thy salvation.’ It is a special joy.” D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
NOTE – David’s prayer is for God to sustain or uphold him with a ___________ spirit. (v. 12b) When a Christian realizes he cannot live a life pleasing to God on his own, he will experience greater _______!
II. Reaching the LOST (Psalm 51:13-17)
A significant ________ of action takes place in vv. 13-15. A Key Word of transition in our English text is the word “________” used in verses 13 and 14. A repentant, forgiven believer will desire to live for the __________ of God! i.e. “Your Ways…Righteousness” David uses the verbs “_________,” “sing” and “declare.” His new heart’s desire is to teach ________________ God’s Ways so that they too might “turn” to Him!
“Reclaimed poachers make the best gamekeepers… A great sinner pardoned makes a great singer.” C. Spurgeon
NOTE – David prays for the Lord to “_______” his lips. Though this psalm teaches us a lot about the doctrine of Sin, it’s most precious truth concerns the depth of God’s _________ and forgiveness! cf. Eph. 2:4-7
Practical Application:
- The Mule – Ps. 32:9
- The Joy – Ps. 51:12; Matt. 18:21-35
- The Transgressors – Ps. 51:13
Appointments with God
Psalm 51
Monday, January 31st
Meditate upon David’s Joy in Psalms:
- Psalm 51:8, 12-15; 5:11-12
Make as many observations about what caused David’s Joy. Meditate on this and use these verses to guide your prayer of praise to God today.
Tuesday, February 1st
Meditate upon David’s Joy in Psalms:
- Psalm 51:8, 12-15; 16:8-11
Make as many observations about what caused David’s Joy. Meditate on this and use these verses to guide your prayer of praise to God today.
Wednesday, February 2nd
Meditate upon David’s Joy in Psalms:
- Psalm 51:8, 12-15; 21:1-2
Make as many observations about what caused David’s Joy. Meditate on this and use these verses to guide your prayer of praise to God today.
Thursday, February 3rd
Meditate upon David’s Joy in Psalms:
- Psalm 51:8, 12-15; 27:4-6
Make as many observations about what caused David’s Joy. Meditate on this and use these verses to guide your prayer of praise to God today.
Friday, February 4th
Meditate upon David’s Joy in Psalms:
- Psalm 51:8, 12-15; 30:4-5
Make as many observations about what caused David’s Joy. Meditate on this and use these verses to guide your prayer of praise to God today.
Saturday/Sunday, Feb. 5-6
Meditate upon David’s Joy in Psalms:
- Psalm 51:8, 12-15; 63:3-5
Make as many observations about what caused David’s Joy. Meditate on this and use these verses to guide your prayer of praise to God today.
[audio:|titles=05 Consider Your Ways (Psalms 51_10-17)]05 Consider Your Ways (Psalms 51_10-17)
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