The Blessing of a Broken Heart

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.”    Ps. 51:17

I.  The Background of the Psalm    (Psalm 51)

Psalm 51 is a personal record of the _________ of soul of David, God’s chosen king of Israel.  cf. Ps. 32; 1 Sam. 13:14 David had committed __________ with Bathsheba & then had her husband, Uriah, murdered.   cf.  2 Sam. 11 Nathan, the prophet, was sent by the Lord to __________ David about his sin.    cf.  2 Sam. 11:27b; 12:1-15 Our study of Psalm 51 will highlight the necessary steps in ______________ & brokenness before God.

“The need for repentance is one of those absolutes about which the Bible does not argue…”  D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

II.  The Brokenness of a Sinner  (Psalm 51:1-5)

The Bible is point-blank __________ about sin & sinners! i.e.  Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Peter, Paul FYI – SIN is a terrible, evil ________ within & around us!! cf.  Gen. 4:7; 6:5-6; Gen. 19 – Sodom & Gomorrah

Steps to Brokenness:

Step 1 – Acknowledge My Sin  (v. 3)

There are many different things in our lives which keep us from ever _________ ourselves & our sin!

Step 2 – Understand the Nature of My Sin (vv. 1-2) David uses ___ words to describe his wrongdoing. “Transgression”=rebellion  “Iniquity”=perversion  “Sin”=

Step 3 – Realize My Sin is Against God  (v. 4a) This is the difference between remorse & repentance. Step 4 – Admit that I have No Excuse  (v. 4b) As long as I __________ myself, I have not repented.

Step 5 – Recognize My Very Nature is Evil   (v. 5) Fallen man is _________ at his core!  cf. Rom. 7:18,24

Practical Application:

  1. The Prophet – 2 Sam. 12:1
  2. The Word – Ps. 119:9, 11
  3. The Sin –  Heb. 12:1

Appointments with God

Psalm 51

Monday, January 10th

Meditate upon the Power of Sin:

  • Genesis 4:7

Sin is pictured like a wild animal seeking to devour & control Cain.  Can you relate to this?  Spend time with God acknowledging a persistent sin in your life.  Face it & acknowledge it to God!!

Tuesday, January 11th

Meditate upon the Extent of Sin:

  • Genesis 6:1-7

Can you believe that this early  in God’s creation, He was “sorry that He had made man?”  How is God “grieved” over your sin?  Recognize that your sin is against God!   Repent of your sin!

Wednesday, January 12th

Meditate upon the Perversion of Sin:

  • Genesis 19:1-21

Make as many observations as possible from this chapter about the perverted nature of sin in Lot, his family & Sodom.  Spend time confessing to God any sexual sins in your life or in our city.

Thursday, January 13th

Meditate upon the Brokenness of Sin:

  • Psalm 32:3-5

This is another psalm of David where he agonizes over his sin.  Are you  keeping “silent” about some sin in your life or toward another person? You must acknowledge it to God and repent!

Friday, January 14th

Meditate upon the Conviction of Sin:

  • Psalm 51:1-5

If someone like a Nathan has talked to you about an area of sin in your life, be honest with yourself. Ask God’s Spirit to search your heart & repent!

Saturday/Sunday, Jan. 15-16

Meditate upon the Conviction of Sin:

  • Psalm 119:9, 11

Commit these 2 verses to memory.  Read them over & over again.  Let God’s Word fill your heart & mind. Praise God for the power of His Word against sin!

[audio:|titles=02 Consider Your Ways (Psalms 51_1-5)]

02 Consider Your Ways (Psalms 51_1-5)